Restaurant Management


Restaurant Management Software 

Complete retail and reception counter management for restaurants and bars defined in a dedicated operations module.

- List and sequence management.

- Ability to split and merge invoices.

- Assign employees to the appropriate table.

- The loyalty program for existing customers.

- Operation via smart touch screen.

- Integrated kitchen operation control.

- Send orders directly to the kitchen.

- Price list management.

- Waiter Tips.

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Effective Product Procurement

Source your ingredients from numerous sources and effectively manage the operations with dedicated tools.

- Purchase from multiple vendors

- Call for tenders

- Purchase agreements

- Define product categories and attributes

- 3 way matching on purchase reception and bills

Finance management with the accounting module

- Create well-defined invoices.

- Vendor bill payments.

- Define taxes involved with the restaurants or bar operation.

- Payment follow-ups.

- Multi-currency management.

- Inter-bank transfers.

- Accept payments from various sources.

- Define payment terminologies.

person using MacBook Pro
Restaurant Management